Hash Links

The World Hash House Harriers Site

12 JUNE 2011

The home page for the world’s most eccentric running club, the Hash House Harriers. Now with hash groups registered in the world directory, located in cities in countries, it is easier than ever for you to find fun, trail, and friendship where you live.

The Hash House Harriers is a more social version of Hare and Hounds, where you join the pack of hounds (runners) to chase down the trail set by the hare or hares (other runners), then gather together for a bit of social activity known as the On In or Down Down with refreshment, humor, song and the occasional feast. In most groups, all are welcome, young and old, fast or slow, so don’t wait to get in shape, just come on out and join us. The only prerequisite to hashing is a sense of humor, so check out a hash near you by clicking on the World Directory link, search for the group nearest you and ring up or email one of the contacts listed there. It’s that simple.

The Hash House

12 JUNE 2011

A site dedicated to preservation of hash heritage and the rebuilding of the hash house.

This site features details of the Hash House project, an undertaking by the Hash Heritage Foundation (HHF) to recognise the unique nature of the Hash House Harriers and to preserve for posterity its history and heritage. One of the principal objectives of the project is to reconstruct the Hash House itself as a tangible symbol of the origins of the Hash movement and as a resource for the enjoyment of Hashers worldwide.